Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Golf Clinic

Ever go to those golf outings that double as a golf instruction and unrelated product sales pitch? A friend and I recently went to one…what the heck, it was FREE. It was held at this absolutely gorgeous private golf course, sponsored by a luxury car manufacture and featured instruction from, none other than golf instructor guru – David Ledbetter and pro golfer Matt Kuchar.

We started with lunch that was primarily a “cold-cuts” buffet…still tasty though. After the brief lunch and everyone fully registered, we were herded outside to the eighteenth tee box. David Ledbetter gave fifteen-minutes of generic golf tips sprinkled in with his surprisingly dry humor. Matt Kuchar then took over, and we essentially watched and listened to him describe his full pre-shot routine as well his key swing thoughts. He tee’d off two balls and we all sheepishly followed him to his approach shot and again listened intently as he gave insight into this shot. This took us up to the final putt and surprisingly we found out that he does not make every putt inside ten feet.

So, after forty-five minutes, the pros’ were gone…their work was done. It was now time to for us to get some one on one golf instruction from the three already assembled golf stations. This was actually quite cool…short iron station, chipping/putting station and a driving station.

Oh, there was one more station…the sales pitch “product” station. We all got to hear how wonderful this luxury automobile was and actually sat in it and played with the buttons as if we were five years old. All in all, a small price to pay for a fun afternoon of feeding the golf addiction.


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